SEO Strategies

Goal setting
At first you must need to know your goals, prepare a checklist for you to have a guide on implementing SEO in your site.

Website Analysis
    After you know your goals, its time for you to analyze or check your web site's ranking, structure, user-friendliness and links.

Keyword Research
    Now that you had finished analyzing your site, you must search for a good keywords that fits to your site.

Competitor Analysis
    Of course you need to know the strategy that your competitors will use. Obviously its part of your job to know what will be the possible steps that they will use.

Formulate SEO Strategy
    And finally, after you know the strategy of your competitors, you know whats the best keyword for you. You now formulate a strategy for your site to have a good page rank using SEO.

There are strategies that work in the successful promotion of a website. It is these kinds of SEO promotions that go far beyond web page enhancement and search engine submission:

    Either start your own Blog or be frequent contributor of a popular one.

    This is a special type of web site where users can ask questions or exchange ides.

Press Releases
    These are special announcements that businesses have used in marketing campaigns.

    Submitting articles to these special websites can promote your site considerably if your articles are picked up by popular publishers.

Reciprocal Linking
    This is the process of exchanging links with other similar or related websites.

Linking Strategy

    All webmaster know that having a good links make a site on the top of every search engine. Having good links lets you have a good page rank as well, there are two types of links. Reciprocal link, where you are linking to other site and that site that you are linking also have a link back to your site. And the other one is One way Link, this is the best link according to the point of view of a search engine.

    One way links are very valuable and, the higher the Page Rank of the site providing the link back, the more good it does your web site's Search Engine importance. One way links can be obtained by paying a webmaster to place your link on his website and there are Link Directories that will include a link to your site in return for payment of a fee. And of course make sure that the site that your are linking to is related to yours or you have at least some similarities.

Article Writing and Submission

One of the most effective means of impressing the search engines and creating strong backlinks to your Site is through the creation and distribution of well-written articles.

Submission to Directories

Submitting your site to many directories in the web helps you to give more traffic to your site.

Graphic Optimization

Keeping page size low for faster browser load times.

Find out where and how big your market

You must know who is your competitor, and also know the number of target visitors of your site.

Understand your visitor

You must know what should be the information you must have in your site that your target visitors need.

Link Building

is the process of improving the external link inventory of sites that link to your site. To build your link inventory consists of two key components:

- Generating more external links to your site pages

- Obtaining higher quality links to your site pages

Strategies in Building Links

* The home page PR of article sites used for article submission link building should be no less than 4.

* The actual article page where the link to your site will be placed should be indexable by Google and Yahoo.

* The links to your sites should not have the nofollow attribute. The links should not be redirect links either. Just plain direct links suit your purpose.

* Avoid heavily spam article sites.

* Preference should be given to sites accepting articles on individual basis.

* Avoid using content taken off elsewhere, all articles should be original.

* Request Reciprocal Links

* Promote Linkability within your Site

* Publish Articles

* Create Testimonials

* Link Multiple Sites

* Awards and Contests

* Affiliate Program

Link Popularity Basics

Use your keywords in your links

Make sure your links have a good description

Avoid Free for All Links Pages & Link Farms

Use your Google Toolbar to guide you in your link efforts

The best links come from sites that are complimentary to yours

Don't forget to make links open in a new window

Forums & Online Communities

Blogging and Comments

Article Writing

Purchase Online Advertising

Press Release

Things to avoid in Link Building

Purchase Links

Don't buy text links for purposes of increasing your search engine traffic.

Swap links with non-relevant sites

Search engines easily recognize link swaps, and unless the site is highly relevant to yours, the links are of no value.

Be obsessed with Google Page Rank

The relevance of the other sites that link to you is far more important.

Use redirects on those sites pointing back to your main site

Create a mini site at the new URL with several pages of good, solid content, and then visibly link back to the main site.

Share the same IP address for each domain

If you interlink multiple domains that you own, all domains should have unique IP's.

Bother with free-for-all pages

Generally the only thing these pages will guarantee is an increase in spam email if you participate.


    I therefore conclude that having a nice link and linking to a good web sites help your site to have a good page rank. And remember that link building is important too don't ignore this kind of tools in SEO. As always, theres some guidelines you must follow in implementing or putting a good links in your site. Don't use illegal link building techniques because your site is at risk if you try it even once. Always remember that theres no such thing as instant, you must be patient to get your site on the top.